Written By: Steve Zagieboylo, Senior Architect at Calavista
My non-computer hobby since quarantine started has been making sourdough bread. I created my own starter and I’ve been making bread almost every weekend since last March. I’ve gotten pretty good at it, such that commercial bread now is unacceptable to anyone in my family. (In other words, I’m not allowed to stop making it every single weekend.)
In a Calavista company meeting last week I joked that I was planning a blog on making sourdough bread. The company president then challenged me to write a blog comparing software development to bread making. So here goes…
I’d like to point out just how successful our processes are, both my bread making and our software development. At 90+% on time and within budget, Calavista exceeds the industry norm by a ridiculous margin. My success with bread is only around 80%; I’ve had a few bricks, but I’ve learned from each one. (For instance, using whole grain flour means you need more water in the dough, and more time fermenting.) Comparing the two processes was a bit of a stretch, but I hope it was entertaining and gave a little insight into the software development process we follow in Calavista.